Tigre Uno is a professional wrestler. Tigre Uno was born on April 4, 1981, in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. This page will examine Tigre Uno’s total career net worth.
Tigre Uno’s nicknames have included “Gato Suicida”. Billed from Tijuana, Mexico Tigre Uno has had a interesting life in wrestling which debuted in September 13, 1998. In the ring, Tigre Uno was trained by Rey Misterio, Sr..
Some of the signature moves employed by Tigre Uno included the Suicide, Diving hurricanrana, and Moonsault slam. In terms of music, Tigre Uno has entered the ring to “Si Senor” by Control Machete (AAA; June 3, 2007 – October 14, 2007; used as a member of The Mexican Powers), “Low Rider” by War (band) (AAA; February 7, 2009 – October 31, 2012 / LLE; January 24, 2016 – present), “Oye Como Va” by Santana (band) (Asistencia Asesoría y Administración; July 9, 2006 – August 13, 2006, October 21, 2007 – December 19, 2008), and “TOI” by Dale Oliver.
Wrestlers’ salaries are chosen depending on league, experience, and promotional ability. According to the league, the median professional wrestler makes about $500,000 a year. But some make more than a million dollars. On the other hand, non-professional part-time wrestlers earn only $100-$1000 per match.
So what is Tigre Uno’s net worth in 2018? Our estimate for Tigre Uno’s net worth in 2018 is: