Isami Kodaka is a professional wrestler. Isami Kodaka was born on September 27, 1981, in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture. This page will examine Isami Kodaka’s total career net worth.
Isami Kodaka’s nicknames have included “The Deathmatch Samurai”. In the ring, Isami Kodaka was trained by Jaki Numazawa. Isami Kodaka has had a fascinating wrestling career which debuted in July 18, 2002.
Some of the signature moves employed by Isami Kodaka included the Trance Rave (High knee to the face of a seated or kneeling opponent), Bushido (Sitout suplex slam), Cross armbar, EXSP (Exploder suplex), Axe Bomber (Crooked arm lariat), Phantom Pain (Crossface), Dragon screw legwhip, Ankle lock, Frankensteiner, Nijigen (Vertical suplex transitioned into a Scoop brainbuster), Diving crossbody, Swanton Bomb (High-angle senton bomb), Torikabuto (Half nelson driver), and Multiple Kick variations. In terms of music, Isami Kodaka has entered the ring to “Fujimi no Erekiman” by The High-Lows.
Wrestlers’ income vary widely depending on league, experience, and promotional ability. According to the WWE, the average professional wrestler makes nearly $500,000 a year. But some earn well into the 7 figures. Separately, non-professional local wrestlers make about $100+ per match.
So what is Isami Kodaka’s net worth in 2018? Our estimate for Isami Kodaka’s net worth in 2018 is: