Charlotte Flair is a professional wrestler. Charlotte Flair was born on April 5, 1986, in Charlotte, North Carolina, United States. This page will examine Charlotte Flair’s total career net worth.
In the ring, Charlotte Flair was trained by Lodi (wrestler). Charlotte Flair’s nicknames have included “Daddy’s Little Girl”, “The Flair of NXT”, “The Queen”, “The Genetically Superior Athlete”, “The Dirtiest Player in the Game”, and “The Nature Girl”. Billed from “Charlotte, North Carolina” Charlotte Flair has had a prominent life in wrestling which debuted in July 3, 2013.
In terms of music, Charlotte Flair has entered the ring to “Recognition” by CFO$. Some of the signature moves employed by Charlotte Flair included the Figure-four necklock/headlock, sometimes transitioned into multiple Push-up facebuster with Surra de Bunda, Backhand chop, with theatrics, Sitout facebuster Wheelbarrow facebuster, Moonsault, sometimes whilst Corkscrew moonsault or while Rounding moonsault onto an opponent standing outside of the ring, Shoulder neckbreaker, Spear, Knee drop, Swinging neckbreaker, sometimes to a Elevated neckbreaker, Backpack stunner, sometimes while running or used as a counter, Somersault Senton, and Charlotte’s Web.
Wrestlers’ income may vary depending on league, experience, and skill. According to statistics, the standard professional wrestler makes nearly $500,000 a year. But some make $1 million or more. Separately, non-professional part-time wrestlers make about $1000 or less per match.
So what is Charlotte Flair’s net worth in 2018? Our estimate for Charlotte Flair’s net worth in 2018 is: $19 million